
I’m on a roll with the blog right now because this is such an important time energetically. Tomorrow there is a beautiful portal opening of cosmic light that will create incredible opportunities for us all to recreate our reality. Think of it this way it’s kind of a reboot, the quirky, corrupted and hacked programs of our reality are being reformatted and the new refreshed programs booting back up. This means we have an extraordinary opportunity to install fresh and clear programs to move forward as a collective, inspired and uplifted humanity. It’s another chance to get it right, to establish Heaven on Earth for all. Yes, we are in Heaven already but now we have the opportunity to make it easier to remember that. Miracles abound already and yet there will be more.

Think of this day as the day surrounded by angels see the one’s in 11.10.11. The zero in the date is this space, this world, this consciousness and open arena for us to step up our consciousness and our commitment to manifesting Heaven on Earth. Tomorrow there will be another angel standing in that open space ready to help us with our commitment.

Last night I met a lovely woman Lorna Byrne, writer of the book, “Angels in My Hair”. I have only just bought the book but I look forward to reading it. Lorna spoke last night about her experience with angels, how she has seen them since she was a child, how she has met with God and how she prays everyday. She is very clear and sweet and humble. She would rather hide, as she says, but God commands her to come out to remind us that we all have a guardian angel. That we can feel free to ask the help of any angel or arch angel at anytime that God listens to us always and knows every single thing about us. We are not alone. Lorna said many times that we do not pray enough and that if we do we will create an extraordinary future, she has seen it.

Lorna’s purpose for coming out to speak is to exhort us all to overcome our differences and to recognize that there is only one God and that we are all brothers. She says that when she looks at anyone she sees their guardian angel with them regardless of their religion. We all have a guardian angel and they never leave us. We are so blessed with unseen support and with seen support like Lorna.

I told her that I wished I could see the angels like she does but that I have had the experience of feeling them. A few years ago I rolled our new Land Rover, I was avoiding a skunk and the SUV started fish tailing until it rolled. I thought I was done, but as the car rolled I felt as though strong hands were holding my head firm to the back of the car seat and the arms were crossed over my chest. Later when I examined the totaled vehicle I sat in the driver’s seat and realized that the upper left corner of the front had crunched in to within and inch or two of where my head was. If my head had moved forward a bit I probably wouldn’t have climbed out of that wreck. What a blessing. So I do not believe in angels, I know angels.

That is the consciousness that we need to move into; gnostic apprehension of Heaven, belief is great and will hopefully create the space for the experience of the unknown but knowing is so much better. A shift in consciousness to looking with hope, gratitude, acceptance and granting of blessing, self-love, contentment and delight will all create space for the knowing of Heaven.

Meditate and pray tomorrow, be with loved ones, send blessings, make art, read uplifting stuff and expect miracles; in general do things that will set the tone for the next age.

Occupy Your Heart

Tibetan prayers at Zuccotti ParkYesterday I went over to Occupy Wall Street again as I do just about everyday and I got inspired to take a few portraits of a day in Zuccotti Park. SO here they are. If you have not been to Zuccotti Park you need to know it is not filthy or dangerous, they are not rabid communists or greedy hippy students who want someone to pay their school loan or lazy unions wanting a free ride off the company. I am tired of people telling me they know what’s going on and then making outrageous statements and they haven’t even been over to participate.

This is an awesome, inspiring action by brave and committed people of all areas of our culture. I met a World War 11 veteran who is angry, a family from the suburbs who are motivated to hold signs, a teacher, mothers, fathers, union workers, artists, musicians and many more who have something to say about the inequity of our current system. This movement is important to all 100% of us, we are in this together.

In Zuccotti Park everyday there are spontaneous and organized discussions on what needs fixing. Everyday there is a meditation. Everyday the sacred space is refreshed and continually in use. Food is offered to all and clean up is very conscious with a grey water cleansing system complete with growing plants in it. The library has been growing all along from a small pile of books to the entire northeast corner of the park and there’s always someone browsing through. It has been amazing to watch the growth of this community over the last month or so. From 20-30 students with sleeping bags and backpacks to bedrolls on mattresses, to blue drop cloths draped in trees, until tents sprang up over every inch and now the military grade weather proof tents are moving in for the winter weather. The self organization of the community is quite amazing.

All ideas are on the table, this is the place of consciousness that is willing to shake up everything and rethink from the bottom up. That is why the movement has caught on worldwide and is showing up in various forms on all continents. On a white board in the park all discussions, events and meetings are listed for participants to join if they choose. There is always some kind of open discussion going on right in the middle of the park and many more sprinkled around the area in various public spaces from an atrium on Wall Street to Charlotte’s Place community center.

This week I learned that the intention is to gather the consensus of gripes and solutions over the winter from Occupy groups all over the country and then to meet in Philadelphia in March to aggregate everything into concise demands of congress. You may think this is slow and tedious, a very un-soundbite universe way of doing things. People say, “What do they want?” “Why don’t they have a leader?” and “This will never succeed.”  But the prevailing sentiment in Zuccotti Park is that the way we do things now is NOT working so let’s do it all a very different way. Maybe you’ve heard the quote, “A problem cannot be solved within the space in which it was created”? Who said that? If you know please tell me, I can’t remember. Anyway it’s true, there needs to be an alchemical shift in consciousness for a solution to any problem to present itself, so the Occupy Wall Street movement is making space for that shift in consciousness to present us all with some choices. If we are left up to the devises of the banking/corporate/government hydra we will have no choices but to hand over even more of our wealth to them. We see the media machine labeling this movement and I know for a fact that some media are trying to stir things up to get the sound bite they want. I watched a guy that I talked with last week who is very grounded as he was hounded by a camera man to say that he wanted violent revolution and was ready to kill another person. Don’t believe what you see about Occupy Wall Street on TV.

SO this IS another Heaven is Here post, this is to say that we do have choices, your vote counts, your sign on your chest counts, your voice counts. We are the 100% and we are the smartest ones in the room because we have common sense and we listen to our hearts and we take our time to allow wisdom to blossom into good action.

Magical Magenta

I don’t know how but since I was a teenager I have known that we were heading into magical times. I am just thrilled to know that we are in them right now. I have been writing these posts in order to remind myself and whoever else is interested that we actually do live in Heaven, this is it. The only way it isn’t it is if we refuse to notice, acknowledge and practice the consciousness of Heaven. So when that happens and consciousness slips into the nihilism of Heaven we need reminders. This is where I come in with this blog.

A very interesting thing has been happening this year of the shift of the ages, if you haven’t noticed the bizarre weather effects or earthquakes and tsunamis I doubt that you have seen the magenta light of the heart entering the earth and making it’s love visible. For some strange reason this year I have been aware of this magenta light. At first I didn’t see it I just kind of knew it, I felt it’s presence. So I began looking for it and found it was very illusive, but somehow I knew it was here and it’s appearance only a matter of time. This weekend I was working in my driveway splitting and stacking wood and guess what – there it was, brilliant, shimmering, incredibly strong and vibrant.

Magical MagentaNow, here’s the image but it’s not nearly as bright and sparkling as the colors actually were. You may say, well it’s the sun reflected off the window and maybe it was but, in over 10 years of sun reflecting off that window this has never happened before. Also we live in form and form informs us of our spiritual frequencies.

To ramble on a bit further in this reminder of our true state if we should choose it. In light of that idea that form informs us of our spirit we are so blessed with devices, technologies and comforts of the time that imply our transcendent abilities: the connectivity of the phone and internet reflect that natural clairvoyant connection we all share as ONE MIND. The comforts and abundance of our world are evidence of Heavenly riches we are all entitled to. There is enough and we will see this very clearly once we have fully integrated and welcomed the magical magenta light of the heart into ourselves.



Abundance is yours, mine and ours.

Crazy things are happening now. Are you watching the  Eurozone fiasco in Greece, or Corzine’s spectacular plummet or the protests in Oakland and everywhere else? Know that this it is great, the people are taking back their power, the corporate, banking and government structures are collapsing under their own phantasmagorical weight. It bears remembering that in the past and in other parts of the world, currency was created by the people.  Africans could make their own trade beads or Kuba cloths which then became currency to trade for goods they might need. Then there were the Rai stones, huge rocks that served for exchange of wealth in the Yapese of the Islands of Palau. The point is that currency’s sole purpose is for the exchange of our own energies it is an ephemeral idea that has been consolidated into an agreement that is now coming into question. It comes into question for several reasons.

Not only are we all becoming incensed with the inequality of wealth distribution, with the disenfranchisement of vast swaths of population from a decent living and with the callous and highly visible greed exposed in a certain percent of the population but we are feeling a deep and painful separation from control over our own lives. The making of our own daily necessities has been effectively stolen from us. We have been convinced it is better to buy all number of things made by very poorly paid labor in other parts of the world. This, I think, has led to the surge in interest of DIY and cooking shows. As humans we are healthiest and happiest when we are fully engaged in our own lives and making the stuff of life that makes it fun. This, I think, has also been a product of the entertainment industry which encourages us to sit in front of a screen for hours of the day instead of engaging in the stuff of our own life.

So, eschew worrying and get involved in life and make something you need instead of buying it. Now is the time to look inside ourselves and recognize our divine right to abundance and abundance means having what you need when you need it. Who needs $20 million dollars a year, especially for running a not-for-profit? If contentment and a sense of worth are not forthcoming and established within with a $20 million dollar salary then there is nothing in this world that will give that sense of stability, safety and security. Those states come from within and must be very diligently nurtured and grown within. One of the best ways to grow our inner contentment is to get involved in creating the life we love from our own resources. Who knows, that could lead to a new business.

11.1.11 Stepping into the Light

Today is another benchmark day, a line drawn in the sand between our last state of being and our next state of being. What do you want your future to be like? If you know then live it today. Happiness, abundance, love all those states of being that you postpone until this or that is acquired or accomplished are available right now so just step into that space. Now is the only time that we have so let’s be in it with gratitude and joy together.

This past weekend was my birthday, we were hit with a huge and gorgeous white birthday snowstorm, 18 inches of snow and power out could easily have ruined my day. But instead we had an adventure, sleeping by the fire snuggled with the cats. Sunday, my birthday, we grilled at my neighbors house all the food we bought for the party and invited all our near neighbors for a hot meal on a cold day. Anything can happen in these chaotic times but our attitude about it determines whether it is a blessing or a curse. I’m counting on blessings in my future, many more of them.

10.28.11 The Mayan Calendar has concluded it’s cycle today.

According to Carl Johan Calleman foremost authority on the Mayan calendar today is the day it all ends. No worries though because this is really the beginning of a brand new age, an age of uplifted consciousness that will come with a strong sense of oneness and harmony. But, and this is a most important but, this new age also brings an accelerated connection with the creative force so be vigilant with your thoughts desires and wishes. Be vigilant with your interactions with others. As with the Vedic concept that whatever you do on the first day of the new year will set the patterns for the whole year; whatever you do with these first days of the new age will set your patterns for this entire new age. So from now until at least 11.11.11 if not 12.12.12 we must hold ourselves accountable for our own actions and be sweet, meditate, see every other that we meet as ourselves and as a perfect representative of our God. Listen carefully for messages of love and hope and seize those messages as our new reality. Hold a consciousness of being the witness behind the eyes and watch the noise outside, it could get a lot noisier but know that you are not that noise. This is the Golden Age that we move into now and if you choose it you will be it. Remember to LOVE.

Out of Many, One


The flag is done now and well ensconced in Charlotte’s Place. The response has been terrific.

For me the experience was so fulfilling. I have been working on this project since 2003 and working mostly by myself. While I try very hard to conceive of ways in which to honor, respect and celebrate the various cultures represented in the flags the missing link has been community. I have throughout the years spoken to the occasional individual to hone my plans for a specific flag. My friends have helped me a lot donating ideas drinking lots of wine to donate corks and even donating fabrics to make into flags, but until now I have not experienced a real connection to the wider diverse community of New York.

It’s true that I do have a fabulously diverse community in my immediate friends and family but what a delight it has been to meet so many new people from all over the world at Charlotte’s Place. So many tourists, local workers, students, and residents came in during the project and traced their hands or stuck around to do some drawing, cutting and sticking on of hands. I gave many tours of my flag exhibit and answered the same collection of questions; why the flags, when did I start and how did I come up with the idea. Quite a few people were disappointed that their culture or country was not represented yet: some Australian ladies, two Spanish girls and a Dominican Republic contingent all had great ideas for more flags to be included in the collection. So I have my work cut out for me, or I should say not cut out yet but waiting to be cut out.

I feel as if the project has taken a great leap forward. It is a delightful ride and it is so very gratifying and such a deep honor to be working on something that is so appreciated and that creates it’s own momentum.
Recently I showed up to do a bit of stitching; now that the flag is all together we have concluded that we’d like to stitch the hands to make sure they stay on. If you want to help please let me know. Anyway, I was doing that and a writer showed up; suddenly I was doing an interview for Suite 101 with Jean Terepka. She has very eloquently summarized the project and my work and I invite you to check out the article at Suite 101.

It is good that we finished when we did because shortly afterward the Occupy Wall Street folks arrived and discovered Charlotte’s Place so the space is now very busy with groups earnestly discussing how to create a better future for us all. So come down and check out the work and get involved in the democratic conversation.

Out of Many, One – First Layer Blu

blu_cropFirst layer blu, here we go! On Thursdays August 4th and 18th, 2:00 to 8:00PM please join us at Charlotte’s Place-109 Greenwich Street (between Rector and Carlisle) to work on the Out of Many, One flag. You can bring your cloth, trace your hands, cut out hands, and help construct the flag. FUN,FUN,FUN. I hope to see you there, then.


maliI am delighted to participate this month in a new show entitled Continuum: Gender Identities at The Ridgefield Guild of Artists. The Guild is excited to announce that it will be mounting a national exhibition entitled Continuum: Gender Identities, opening April 30, 2011, through June 3. This exhibition, curated by artist Nancy Moore, parent of a transgender son, will be a powerful exploration of how artists choose to depict gender in their work: from traditional images of masculine and feminine, to work that bends or questions the role of female and male.

I am entering one flag from my E Pluribus series of US flags that celebrate diversity. As an immigrant from England I am particularly moved by the ways so many diverse people thrive together in harmony. I’ve submitted this piece because of its focus on the celebration of marriage. Representing the Mali people, this flag is made from very long thin strips of hand-loomed fabric typically made into blankets for a Fulani wedding. These blankets, up to 15 feet long, may be hung on a wall, over the bed, or as a room partition. They may also function as a mosquito net. The beads are made in the Czech Republic and originally were used as trade beads but soon became part of the Fulani wedding tradition, probably because of their colorful and festive appearance. My artistic mission is to use the symbol of the US flag to celebrate the cultural diversity and freedom of expression of the people in the United States and to emphasize the concept of our beautifully conceived US motto: E Pluribus, Unum (Out of Many, One). In the context of this exhibit, I am delighted to express a further subtlety of our E Pluribus, Unum motto highlighted by this flag: the idea that two genders become one within the form of marriage.

I hope to see you there at the opening celebration on Saturday, April 30th from 6- 9PM.
Ridgefield Artists Guild is located at: 34 Halpin Lane, Ridgefield CT 06877


Well, it’s been a very long time since I made a post here because my E Pluribus flag project has been very consuming. To find out about it check out www.epluribus.us.

But I am here today to share something that is right in line with this blog. I just received a a beautiful email from Marilyn Strong and Jerry Wennstrom that I would like to share. They point out with somber clarity the presence of grace under fire in a whole nation. Thank you Marilyn and Jerry and thank you to the Japanese people for showing us how to behave to each other.

Here it is:


10 things to learn from Japan:
Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow itself has been elevated.
Disciplined queues for water and groceries. Not a rough word or a crude gesture.
The incredible architects, for instance. Buildings swayed but didn’t fall.
People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something.
No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding.
Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they ever be repaid?
Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.
The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do. And they did just that.
They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No silly reporters. Only calm reportage.
When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly.

I would like to add one more thing to the list:
They are not hiding or soft peddling the full magnitude of the disaster.

Strength of one’s character is reflected in one’s behavior at the crucial moment.
Character of people is what makes the character of a nation.

Marilyn Strong and Jerry Wennstrom can be reached at:
PO 522 Clinton, Whidbey Island. WA. 98236
Phone: 360 341-3382
Email: soluna@whidbey.com
website: www.handsofalchemy.com
Parabola & Sentient Publications Book, Audiobook, Films & Art
“The Inspired Heart” & “In the Hands of Alchemy”