In Muriel Stockdale’s debut novel, Gabriel Born, science and the mystical merge in this fast paced and entertaining story. Our heroine, Sheila, embarks on a mission to save her life with science and ends up transformed by the unusual child she creates.
Sheila, a cold and calculating scientist discovers empathy and love. This sends her in a direction conflicting with the scientific reality she once knew and relied on. Gabriel, her miraculous son, is a gift she must protect. She and no one else can contain Gabriel. Encounters with her magical child become awe-inspiring events that uplift characters and readers alike.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Muriel Stockdale’s successful 35-year career in entertainment as a designer, director, filmmaker, teacher and artist honed her ability and desire to tell stories. She has spent her life devouring material about the inner, sacred, unknown nature of man through sacred texts and scientific studies. Although she loves science fiction she is disappointed in the lack of awakened or enlightened consciousness expressed in the genre, this book is an effort to explore that idea. In 2003 she created the support group The Institute of Spiritual Entertainment dedicated to helping artists share enlightened ideas. A graduate of the University of Vermont and New York University, Muriel is also an artist currently completing a study of diverse USA flags entitled – E Pluribus. They can be seen at
To find out more about Muriel please visit:
Contact: Muriel Stockdale O: 212 475-1875 M: 646 522-3819
New Milford Library
January 3,
6:30 – 9:30 PM
23 Main Street, CT 06776
(860) 355-1191
“It’s a thrilling and vertiginous ride.”
– Paul Shavelson, Executive Producer of Crossing Over with John Edward
“Muriel Stockdale’s debut novel Gabriel Born is a riveting and emotional story, complex and modern set in the world of genetics and the laws that define them. Sheila Jensen is a fully drawn, richly realized character who navigates the twists and turns, disappointments, challenges and failures with a sense of purpose and ultimately hope.”
– Adriana Trigiani, bestselling author of All the Stars in the Heavens