11.1.11 Stepping into the Light

Today is another benchmark day, a line drawn in the sand between our last state of being and our next state of being. What do you want your future to be like? If you know then live it today. Happiness, abundance, love all those states of being that you postpone until this or that is acquired or accomplished are available right now so just step into that space. Now is the only time that we have so let’s be in it with gratitude and joy together.

This past weekend was my birthday, we were hit with a huge and gorgeous white birthday snowstorm, 18 inches of snow and power out could easily have ruined my day. But instead we had an adventure, sleeping by the fire snuggled with the cats. Sunday, my birthday, we grilled at my neighbors house all the food we bought for the party and invited all our near neighbors for a hot meal on a cold day. Anything can happen in these chaotic times but our attitude about it determines whether it is a blessing or a curse. I’m counting on blessings in my future, many more of them.

10.28.11 The Mayan Calendar has concluded it’s cycle today.

According to Carl Johan Calleman foremost authority on the Mayan calendar today is the day it all ends. No worries though because this is really the beginning of a brand new age, an age of uplifted consciousness that will come with a strong sense of oneness and harmony. But, and this is a most important but, this new age also brings an accelerated connection with the creative force so be vigilant with your thoughts desires and wishes. Be vigilant with your interactions with others. As with the Vedic concept that whatever you do on the first day of the new year will set the patterns for the whole year; whatever you do with these first days of the new age will set your patterns for this entire new age. So from now until at least 11.11.11 if not 12.12.12 we must hold ourselves accountable for our own actions and be sweet, meditate, see every other that we meet as ourselves and as a perfect representative of our God. Listen carefully for messages of love and hope and seize those messages as our new reality. Hold a consciousness of being the witness behind the eyes and watch the noise outside, it could get a lot noisier but know that you are not that noise. This is the Golden Age that we move into now and if you choose it you will be it. Remember to LOVE.


Well, it’s been a very long time since I made a post here because my E Pluribus flag project has been very consuming. To find out about it check out www.epluribus.us.

But I am here today to share something that is right in line with this blog. I just received a a beautiful email from Marilyn Strong and Jerry Wennstrom that I would like to share. They point out with somber clarity the presence of grace under fire in a whole nation. Thank you Marilyn and Jerry and thank you to the Japanese people for showing us how to behave to each other.

Here it is:


10 things to learn from Japan:
Not a single visual of chest-beating or wild grief. Sorrow itself has been elevated.
Disciplined queues for water and groceries. Not a rough word or a crude gesture.
The incredible architects, for instance. Buildings swayed but didn’t fall.
People bought only what they needed for the present, so everybody could get something.
No looting in shops. No honking and no overtaking on the roads. Just understanding.
Fifty workers stayed back to pump sea water in the N-reactors. How will they ever be repaid?
Restaurants cut prices. An unguarded ATM is left alone. The strong cared for the weak.
The old and the children, everyone knew exactly what to do. And they did just that.
They showed magnificent restraint in the bulletins. No silly reporters. Only calm reportage.
When the power went off in a store, people put things back on the shelves and left quietly.

I would like to add one more thing to the list:
They are not hiding or soft peddling the full magnitude of the disaster.

Strength of one’s character is reflected in one’s behavior at the crucial moment.
Character of people is what makes the character of a nation.

Marilyn Strong and Jerry Wennstrom can be reached at:
PO 522 Clinton, Whidbey Island. WA. 98236
Phone: 360 341-3382
Email: soluna@whidbey.com
website: www.handsofalchemy.com
Parabola & Sentient Publications Book, Audiobook, Films & Art
“The Inspired Heart” & “In the Hands of Alchemy”



Well, we are entering the season of celebration. But why should it be a season and why should celebration be constrained to certain locations or timeframes of life. Let’s celebrate all the time, celebrate life, celebrate love, celebrate having a body, celebrate family and friends. Here is a link to a fabulous event called a Random Act of Culture. It was clearly inspiring and wonderful for all who accidentally participated.


Let’s invite each other to express joy and gratitude every day through this holiday season and beyond. Imagine the shift if we all recognize the sacredness of each moment that we interact. The minute effort it takes to choose to be in celebration mode by either wearing a special color, giving ourselves an extra moment to enjoy the sunset or a flower, taking time to say thank you or to offer a helping hand rewards us immensely with a lift to the heart. Celebrate.

Tipping Point

This Heaven is Here blog is because I am noticing things in the world that show how amazingly blessed and supported we really are. Today I think we have reached some kind of tipping point; I was stunned to see that Oprah’s show was all about John of God. Since Oprah shied away from ‘spiritual’ topics a few years ago because she was roundly trounced in the media for her shifting focus her shows have been very careful around the, as she put it today; “Woo woo” stuff. But we all know there is no subject that Oprah cannot tackle with grace. Everything she touches becomes mainstream. This show was/is amazing; try to catch it somehow. Also there is an article in O magazine about John of God entitled, ‘Leap of Faith‘.

I have heard of John of God for many years, and I am heartened to know that he is doing his wonderful work; work that is miraculous. His presence and the presence of so many other ‘healers’ who work in mysterious ways are definitely evidence that we are in Heaven. Throughout the course of Oprah’s show we heard from many people healed or not healed, or even perhaps healed without knowing they needed healing grapple with a sense of reality as previously known coming undone. This is the true miracle. A skeptical doctor concluded by sharing the thought that maybe we are not really the physical beings we appear to be but something else. How many times do we hear this from the great masters?

We are on the cusp of miraculous awakening, the evidence is all around us. Things are coming at us faster than ever and in the fray of information, choices, worries, disasters, manufactured drama, political noise and financial dismay the Truth stands out. Watching Oprah’s show and listening to the sensitive way her guests spoke of their experience I would describe as a refreshing pool of wisdom, a respite from the noise. Anything that opens the mind and reminds the heart of it’s own miraculous power is a gift to be savored. This was a daring show for Oprah and I thank her for it. Psychic surgery is very mysterious and also very threatening to status quo in our current medical industry. When you have millions of people and a whole economy propped up on the illness of a great proportion of our population, a man who performs miraculous healing for free is not welcome. John of God does not recommend that people stop using their medications or avoid conventional treatments.  Clearly now is the time for us to move on to the understanding that we are not simply the physical form, to grasp the understanding that our greater Self is far more powerful than we think.


Gazing at SELF

OK, finally back again to the blog. It’s been a very busy month with a show installation for E Pluribus and a return to a favorite job – making muppet costumes for The Jim Henson Production; Disney is producing a new Muppet Movie.

Anyway /breath/ here we are. It’s time to remind myself again as always – why do this?

Today I returned for a final session of  ‘gazing’ with Braco (pronounced – Bratso), a well-reknowned “healer” from Croatia. I discovered Braco while surfing the net about 2 or 3 years ago and thought how very interesting that he has chosen to impart his message in complete silence with a 5 to 8 minute gazing session. Hundreds of thousands of people travel long distances to see him every year some to experience a healing, which apparently happens very often. Many come just to taste that pure and delicious sense of recognizing the highest within. I wondered if Braco would ever make it to the US and here he is. Ironically his first East Coast gazing sessions are right near my house in Connecticut – just 10 minutes away, how amazing. So I went yesterday for 4 or 5 gazings, I can’t remember and today for one more. Braco doesn’t charge for this service that he offers, the cost is a modest charge to cover set-up, amenities and venue and it’s very reasonable at $8 per gazing.

Yesterday was an exquisite day so in the midst of radiant fall foliage, scudding clouds and raucous migrating birds plus a couple of chickens scurrying around the farm hundreds of people maybe over a thousand experienced Braco’s form of grace for the first time. It was sweet with a few reports of physical healing and many reports of visions, experiences of warmth, openness, contentment and some tears. How awesome that we do not need to talk about it, explain it, be instructed or even follow strict procedures to experience the sweet wash of grace. Braco reminds us very elegantly of who we are, he sees everyone in their purest light and by doing so allows each of us to see ourselves in that light, he reminds us to look beyond the obsessions that distract us from our holiness. Of course, we are THAT already; pure, holy, magnanimous, abundant, creative, loving beings and we can access that at all times should we choose and yet what a blessing to have others who will remind us when we forget.

Thank you Braco.

To learn more and to see where you can go to see Braco in person go to www.braco.net.

However, if you cannot get to a “gazing session” right away then make one of your own: Take a few minutes, ideally when you first arise in the morning or after a meditation when you are open and relaxed, look into your own eyes in the mirror. Look without judgement, expectation, or even recognition. Seek out the divine spark in your own eyes, recognize yourself as that light, as transcendent, loving, pure and raw being. Accept and honor yourself.


It’s funny because last night I remembered a very sweet encounter I had a week ago on the Bridgeport/ Port Jefferson Ferry. There was a woman sitting next to me studying a text book, her family was with her but giving her space to work even though it was a holiday. Her son who must have been about 12 came over many times during the hour plus trip to just hug her or stroke her hair and kiss her on the forehead. She barely acknowledged these tender moments. As I watched I thought how sweet and respectful he was, careful not to disturb her but needing to express his love. Witnessing this affirmed for me the purpose of this blog, I state with confidence heaven IS here.

When we take any opportunity to connect to our love we know this truth, we live it. Love is the easiest path to stable higher consciousness. Love of family, pets, the natural world, our work, our culture, our life,  our self, the world, anything is a path to unconditional love which is the engine of our creation.

Love is the power of the heart, which is the next and the most important chakra in our discussion of how the chakras are represented and celebrated in clothing. So is it a wonder that throughout the world people wear symbols close to their heart – a cross, an amulet, a star of David, a hand of Fatima, a peace symbol, whatever moves our heart.

Open heart
Heart Chakra flower
The heart chakra is associated with the color green or pink, to me that says growth and love. It is associated with emotional empowerment, trust, forgiveness, compassion and letting go; concepts that our sacred symbols most often remind us of. So while we wear these symbols near our heart it is important to allow them to remind us to stay within the fullness of our truth, to allow the heart to speak to us about issues from its wide perspective of love, allowing, respect and comfort.

I copied this flower from a lovely blogpost – check it out:

Voice of Truth

So continuing with this exercise of looking at how we celebrate the spiritual body with adornment I first want to say a bit about why we are doing this now.

These are intense times, we are in a marvelous mystical transition from density to light and yet this light that we are has always been known and celebrated. My intention with this exercise is to ease us into seeing how connected we already are with our light body, our spiritual self, our 5th dimensional being where duality, conflict, struggle, competition, speaking out against each other, arguing, gossip and division hold no power over our experience of being. In our light body which resides consciously in the 5th dimension qualities of paradox where right and “wrong” are no different. Love triumphs over the seeming of difference and division. Functionality of unified dreams and goals overcomes partisan arguments and space of communal agreement is inevitable. When the simplicity of accepting that we can both be right even though we are in total disagreement washes through us we realize the energy it takes to argue is pointless. The dysfunction of taking stands of opposition against elements of our world requires immense debilitating rigidity of energy that takes us out of our liquid moment and distracts us from sparkling enlightened truths available in each interaction that we are blessed with.

Here is an image of Shiva who drank the poison during the churning of the ocean.
Here is an image of Shiva who drank the poison during the churning of the ocean.
Wow, where did that come from. But it’s perfect. This is where we are now; looking at the 5th chakra, the throat, the voice, the energetic space of our communication with our world. We forget today that this space of communication is sacred, it is spectacularly situated between the heart and the crown chakras in a high and exalted frequency of the body. This is where divine truth can come through us, if we permit. We forget that our words are powerful, resonant throughout the whole universe and that our words create our reality. Most of the sacred texts start with something like what the Bible says, ” First there was the Word, and the word was Good, or God”. This word is the creative force of life, it is the resonant spark that impels thought into being and generates the forms of our life. This is ancient knowledge that we choose to consider myth and yet every culture remembers magicians, and shaman, genies and such who could say, “Abracadabra” or something and create just like that. Watch your words carefully and then you will see what you create.

Anyway, this is a quick intro to the concept of chakras celebrated by clothing so I am trying to keep it that way even though there is so much to say about the subject. So think about the neck. Today we don’t really wear necklaces with the consciousness of how it celebrates or affects our throat chakra, unless we are into gem vibrations and yet there are long histories of wearing symbols at the neck; crosses, Hamesh, Star of David, Ankh’s, Hand of Fatima. Most religions will provide some symbol that can be worn at the neck. It could be true that this is the obvious place to display our allegiance and yet think of what this does, the resonance of a cross at the throat quite possibly guides the chakra to hold the truth of that lineage, maybe.

There is so much to say and to learn about this chakra – in Egypt very often the Kings, Queens, Priests and Priestesses wore blue at the neck or lapis lazuli because it is that indigo blue. Shiva, the great Hindu God’s neck was stained indigo blue because he swallowed a poison to protect our reality that was stirred out of the cosmic sea. Each of the chakras is associated with color, color has resonance. There are also images, beings and numbers associated with the chakras.

He says:

I am neither the mind, intelligence, ego nor memory; neither am I the ears nor the tongue nor the senses of smell and sight; neither ether nor air, nor fire, nor water, nor earth – I am eternal bliss and awareness – I am Shiva! I am Shiva.

All Seeing Eye

Tilaka bindi

Egyptian crownOK, it’s true, I am very undisciplined about this blog but here we finally are now thinking about the next part of the Sacred temple. We are working down from the crown.

The Ajna chakra is the third eye, the all-seeing-eye of consciousness. It is located in between the eyebrows in the center of the forehead.  In India this chakra is honored with a tilaka, a small red dot of paste and powder or a glued on gem sometimes for women. Persian princesses wore jewels dangling in front of the third eye, Indian Ascetic monks paint flames at this point on their foreheads. It is a chakra associated with light and seeing, but not just seeing but also comprehending on a deeper, spiritual level. At this chakra major forces of manifestation, energies of life come together before bursting from physical to transcendent realms, it is the gateway of our mundane life and consciousness to our transcendent consciousness within the Sahasrar chakra just above.

Though we do not honor this chakra so much today in our clothing or decorative motives it is well represented in ancient and tribal cultures. In Egypt  the kings often wore a crown with a winged serpent on the forehead signifying flight from the gravity of earth to the transcendent spaces of higher consciousness. The third eye in Hinduism is a symbol of enlightenment hence the red dot or sometimes graphic flames. It is the eye of knowledge representing not just seeing but knowing the truth as well.

Sacred Temple

OK, it’s time to explore the most important aspect of Heaven, the vehicle within which we travel and enjoy our experience here, that is the body. I am thinking that for the next seven weeks or so, we’ll see how it goes I am going to look at the sacred aspects of the body temple. This is the germ of a book I have in mind, so I am going to test it out here.

The body sometimes known as the “no seamed robe of the soul” in the ancient Vedas is just that. This body is a vehicle of the divine, a window on the dualistic world of form for the soul. The brilliant light being that we are winds its cosmic frequency, it’s omniscient, omnipresent essential self down until it fits within the confines of time and space and this exquisite vehicle that we are gifted with by the mother principle. All mothers are that divine goddess principle of creation in incarnation. This body is sacred, it is worthy, it is beloved of the divine and it is here for the soul to exercise it’s free will in this creative realm of duality in order to explore itself. This mandate comes all the way from the top. As expressions of the primordial divine whatever you call it – God, Allah, Shiva, Yaweh, The Emptiness or whatever we are gifted with the purpose of exploring ourselves so that the divine may know more of itself in diversity or duality – what we know of as form. The divine knows all about itself in unity or chaos which is the natural at rest state before becoming being.

The body is a magnetic response of form to spirit. The elements of the body attract to the spirit and create a body that reflects the higher principles of our own individual being. This understanding is apparent in many traditions and teachings throughout the world. I will start with the most obvious and gorgeous one first. Think of the head and the apparel that adorns the head for various special occasions or for dignitaries of note in many cultures. What kinds of things do people wear? I bet you’ve pictured crowns, bridal veils, American Indian Chief’s war bonnets with fabulous feathers, Cardinal’s red hats and more. All of these spectacular headdresses honor the crown chakra; a radiant light giving center of energy at the top of the head often shown in paintings as a halo. The adornments are physical representations of the light form of the chakra at the top of the head.

The crown chakra or Sahasrar is the highest chakra or energy vortex of the soul associated with the physical body, it is pure consciousness. It is located at the top of the head, hence the title – Crown Chakra. Through this chakra the energy of the soul is funneled into the realm of physicality. At this point the light is vast in all of us but more visible and workable in the world in those who are awakened or enlightened like Gurus, Shaman, Saints, Avatars and Sages. According to the Vedic texts this chakra is a huge lotus flower with thousands of petals. In the unenlightened the flower is closed, in the enlightened it opens. But don’t just listen to the texts go and seek an experience of this and the other chakras by meditation or breath yoga. Find a really good path of study with great teacher.

My own experience of the crown chakra was extraordinary and very enlightening about my beingness. I was sitting by a fire once chanting a beautiful ancient text called the Rudrum. In front of me was a massive bonfire, the wood crackled and spit and sparks flew out of the fire and raced into the vast deep black sky, filled with many layers of stars, above me. The sparks and stars were merging. My awareness shifted and the sparks seem to come up from within the core of myself to pass through my head and fly off into the stars. This stretched my awareness to include all that movement and the entire sky. Suddenly I felt my crown chakra open, it was like a flower opening almost instantly in a spiral motion and the petals as they popped open made a fluttering sound. This was a huge feeling. Once opened this chakra which was located at the top of my head fell with a thunk into my upper heart and rested behind my sternum on the heart chakra fully open. I sat on the soft supportive grass fully grounded from my heart down and from my heart up I contained the universe. That vast sky, the sparks, all eternity was contained within me. This is the gateway to our divinity it is no wonder that we need to honor that aspect of ourselves to welcome and share the specialness of that inner window.

The extraordinary significance of these chakras can only be hinted at by symbology and esoteric description, personal experience is best though illusive. There are sounds, frequencies, colors, aspects of our daily lives, moods  and relationships associated with all of the chakras. The energetic system by which these chakras is connected is profound and somewhat complex but this is what we are made of and therefore it is important to explore this knowledge with great reverence. It is sacred knowledge about our sacred vehicle. But my intent is to look at the expression of the nature of our chakras in the traditional adornments and robes of people worldwide. So back to reflections of the Sahasrar.

When Kings and Queens wear crowns they are honoring that inner authority of the divine impulse and wisdom. Unfortunately the deep understanding and connection to that idea has been lost for many generations leading to great misfortune for many royals and their people. But the legends of old in all cultures speak of generations of kings that were also great sages and so functioned with full knowledge of the sacredness of their duty. The radiant nature of this chakra is also apparent in the choice of a white veil for a bride. Here the idea is to express the purity, innocence and honor associated with the awakened nature of this chakra. A shaman or chief who wears a feather bonnet reflects again the authority of the enlightened nature of one who has a fully opened crown chakra. In his case wisdom and the accomplishment of many brave or good deeds are displayed in the brilliant array of feathers. A contrary response to the brilliance of the crown chakra can be found in the sometimes enforced use of veils, bonnets and hats. The need to cover ones shining wholeness, radiance and beauty may be protective, or some form of resistance to the glory inherent in all of us. Counter to that modest impulse are head adornments like the Nigerian ladies head wraps made of stiff and sparkling silks which when tied in exotic ways and splayed fan like frame the face like any classic halo.

Many of these head ornaments are a physical expression of the halo which goes all the way back to Greek history and is represented in all cultural iconography. Other names for the ring of light around the head are nimbus, aureole, glory and gloriole (according to wikipedia). Through all forms of Western religious art these halos or rings of light are represented around the head. They are associated most often with the holy and with kings. In Asian art  the light may be represented as flames which may even extend around the whole body. This vision of the light corona of the entire body is known as the Mandoria and is also sometimes seen in Christian Iconography.

Here is a representation from wikipedia of the crown chakra that most interestingly expresses the movement of the opening of the crown chakra quite brilliantly. It is amazing how eloquent and relevant symbols can be. Often the deeper knowledge can be accessed by just looking at them.