Well, this is a trip. So many of you have looked at my blog in the last few days. So many of you have commented and emailed me. Thank you, you are inspiring me.
The most amazing thing is happening; as the contemplation that Heaven Is Here is initiated the proof comes flooding toward me. Today on Oprah I saw video of a flash mob dancing to Black Eyed Peas, maybe you’ve seen it. It is fantastic check it out here:
As one participant on Oprah’s show said, “It was passion unleashed, unity revealed and joy rising”. He began this by saying if he were to imagine what Heaven would be like that was it.
This is our job right now. It is our joy rising to envision and enact Heaven. Bravo to all those who participated in that flash mob and to the Black Eyed Peas for the joyful music they create, they are showing the way.