Wake up world, we are not in Kansas anymore.

Yes, we are in Heaven and let me tell you why I know this. I have started this HEAVEN IS HERE blog today to watch for the signs of heaven and point them out to you.

Before I tell you some signs though, I would like to point out why I feel compelled to write this blog. These are crazy tumultuous times and you may be thinking all you see is destruction and terror, if you watch the news that will be all you see. However, if you watch carefully and if you read between the lines you will see miraculous things happening.

This is the time known as the “end of days”, the “shift of the ages”, the “ascension” whatever. But not to worry it is a fabulous time, it is a time for glory. There are many who talk about this time from various points of view and I love to read the esoteric wisdom of those visionary light workers but I have yet to discover anyone who is highlighting the evidence as it unfolds as we and our entire planet ascend. This is what I intend to do here.

We are currently in the middle of a transition of ages from Pisces to Aquarius. The shift is well documented astronomically as our earth moves through the sky on its long trajectory around our galaxy and its even longer trajectory around our universe. These trips take, for the galactic 26,000 years and for the universal over 300,000 years; a blink of an eye in the mind of God. But here we are separated out into the reality of duality enjoying the feasts of consciousness, where time can seem to stand still.

How does this Earth as space ship trip affect us? Well, we are about to move into a sea of powerful energies that will affect our sun, our earth and us in beautiful ways. You could say that our consciousness is about to be ramped up or rebooted. The evidence is all around us. Today I want to use the concept of connectedness to highlight evidence of this shift.

Last night I saw the film AVATAR, I love it. There is a great deal about the film that is mystical and spiritual but perhaps the most brilliantly envisioned was the idea of connections between the humanoids and the lives of all other beings in their mythical world Pandora. In this film the concept of connections through all beings and the planet itself did not merely manifest as interdepent but excelled to the level of mutual flourishing and celebration of life through connection. This basic concept was exquisitely displayed throughout the film with energies of interaction shown as flashes of light. A memorable line from the heroine of the story is, “Our energy is only borrowed.”

Now wouldn’t it be a lot easier for us all if we saw those interactions between us as a mystical light, something to take our breath away, something to delight us or to awe us in its mystical transition from me to you and from you to another. I hope that this blog will embody that light and impart the delicious borrowed energy from me to you while creating appreciation and love of life as it goes. This is the power of connection; it is the flavor and force of life. The film AVATAR is a sign of the ascension process it is a mainstream film with a highly esoteric message of oneness, of interdependence. It also contains the message like MATRIX did that we are not of this place but interlopers for a while. However, unlike MATRIX, AVATAR goes on to suggest that we must interact with our world with respect and with celebration.

At this time of year as we look back over the past year I usually get really depressed, all the bad news comes up in a flurry. But here instead I want establish a tradition of sharing inspiring events that show we are in heaven that we are moving into alignment with the vision of connection portrayed by the blue aboriginals of Pandora. Did you hear that in June Apes were afforded legal rights in Spain? That is one tiny step toward greater respect in our interactions with animals. Did you hear that just before Christmas Prince William spent a night sleeping under a bridge in London with a homeless man?  That is a grand gesture of humility and respect on behalf of the ruling class. Let us hope and pray that such a seed of consciousness will grow and flourish.

Heaven is ours for the taking. We are blessed to be here for the show of many millennia, we chose to be here, we contribute to this immense and miraculous event – the ascension of the earth and all on it and also of all the rest of the universe. This is our great adventure in Heaven.

1 thought on “Wake up world, we are not in Kansas anymore.”

  1. Maharishi was fond of saying “well begun, half done”. And so it will be that we greet the new decade with a divine inspiration and purpose. Thank you always Muriel for leading by example and illuminating the good in all things.

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